The definition of finished is to complete a task. Also, to be over with. Summer is finished. Where did it go? My bucket list for summer has not been completed. There is a lot to do before winter sets in.

I found this leaf in my back yard. It’s the beginning.

There are a few flowers left. Also, lots of weeds that need removing.

This is the only sunflower that came up from over a dozen seeds. Maybe there will be enough seeds for more plants next summer.

Making doll clothes is finished also. Making them became addictive. I might make one more. It will be a wedding gown. I want to get back to quilting. The stack of basted community quilts needs to be finished. Then I can go on and finish the stack of community quilts that are not basted. I also want to start a new quilt. I have three patterns in mind to do. It’s just a matter of choosing one.

I’m purging my fabric stash. One set of drawers is finished. It’s a matter of will I use this fabric or not. All the fabric that I purge will go to a good home. My goal is to get all the fabric out of bins and into the drawers where I can see them. This project will probably not be finished any time soon.

This is a small sample of the doll dresses. I’ve ordered some little coat hangers to hang them for display after they are pressed.

Adora is an Amazing doll. It’s a knockoff of the American doll. If I do make a wedding dress, I’ll display it on Adora.

Next month I’m taking a class in thread painting. The teacher uses a double needle to do the painting. It should be fun. There is homework before the class. We’ll be embellishing a landscape. The landscape is a fusible picture. We do have a pattern, or we can make our own landscape. I’ll take pictures as I have fun working on this project.

Have a great day and happy quilting.