Landscape Gaa-Barge

After making 32 of the 52 Garbage to Gaa-Barge art quilts, I started making Landscape Gaa-Barge.  The Garbage to Gaa-Barge pieces were made from scraps that were left over from projects and anything that I swept off the floor or found in a wastebasket.  Most pieces were small, but some were larger.  I had intended to make one a week for a year, but was side tracked when gardening season came. One of the last pieces became an imaginary underwater scene.  It was so much fun making that little piece.

Then I thought that I could make scenes using a picture for a pattern.  The first two were not very good, but I soon figured out how to do it and the art quilts were much better.  I even taught classes in Landscape Gaa-Barge.  The students made awesome landscapes.

The pieces are 8″ x 11″.  That size is easy to work with.  A photo, which is used for the pattern,  can be enlarged on a home copy machine. Tulle  is placed over the small scraps and then the piece is thread painted to hold everything down.  Either a large or a small binding finishes the piece.

The fabric pictures are memories of places where I have been.


My parents, my husband and I went on a trip to Cape Cod.  While there, I took a picture of Cape Cod Bay and the dunes.  When I make the fabric picture two small pieces of thread were left under the tulle.  I left them there because they looked like birds in the air.  A happy accident.


IMG_2178This is a picture of the White Mountains in New Hampshire.  We had many trips up North.


IMG_2176We fished many ponds and lakes, but one time we went up the Merrimack River.  It was a beautiful ride. This bend of the river was very pretty.  We didn’t catch any fish, but if we did, we would have let them go.  Even though the Merrimack is cleaned up, I can still remember when it was polluted. IMG_2177




IMG_2174For several years, we spent a week in Bradenton, Florida.  Our motel was close to the beach and we walked the beach every day looking for shells. There was a restaurant close by and we were walking there the day that I saw this clump of grass.


IMG_2172Before we retired, we spent every Memorial Day and Labor Day at a cabin in Pittsburg, New Hampshire.  The fishing was great and we went looking for moose every evening.  They were by the side of the road every dusk.  This was the scene across the road from our cabin.


IMG_2182This last one doesn’t have a picture with it.  I probably had one at the time that I made the picture.  This is the scene from my porch in Maine.  The road goes from left to right at the top of the picture.  My neighbors driveway is across the field just beyond the row of trees.  There are gardens on both sides of the white picket fence.  It must be fall, because the flowers are perennial Maximillian Sunflowers.

I should make some more memory Landscape Gaa-Barge pieces and finish the regular Garbage to Gaa-Barge project.  Only twenty more to go,.

Have a great day and happy quilting.

Annie Louise

IMG_2152Annie Louise needed a new outfit for April.  Looking through the pictures of my ancestors for inspiration, I decided to make a white blouse and a black skirt.



My Grandmother, Grandfather and Uncle are in this picture.  My Mother was yet to be born. IMG_2153




I found it hard to sew the little pieces in the blouse, but it came out fine and fits her.  The skirt was much easier.  The skirt pattern had gathers, but I made pleats because my Grandmother’s skirt was straight.

IMG_2151Annie Louise looks very elegant in her new skirt and blouse.  It will be her shopping outfit.  She already has a housedress, a white fancy dress for a party and an older dress for cleaning house.



Annie Louise’s quilt is hanging at the quilt show.  When I get it back, I’ll take a picture of Annie Louise and her quilt.

Have a great day and happy quilting.



Presser Feet

Many presser feet come as stock items with a sewing machine.  For some unknown reason, most of them are not used.  Every once in a while I find a presser foot that I must have, only to put it away and not use it.  I have had the border guide foot for a long time and it was still in the package.IMG_2147

This week, I needed to quilt fabric for a project. I remembered the foot and decided to do some channel  quilting.  The foot was perfect for this. I channel quilted sixteen pieces using the outside red line.  Every line was perfect in all the pieces. As I looked at the foot I found many more ways to use it. IMG_2150 1



IMG_2146I needed to top stitch a band on the top of the quilted fabric.  With the red center line on the edge of the band and the needle moved to the right a little, I was able to perfectly top stitch.



IMG_2141The pattern called for 1/2″ seams.  The first red line is exactly 1.2″ away from the center.  Placing the line on the edge of the fabric gave me a perfect 1/2″ seam.



IMG_2148Alternating the red lines will give a different look to channel quilting.




IMG_2149This foot can be used when sewing  several lines of a built in embroidery.  The lines will be perfectly even.  Putting the red horizontal line on the first stitch of the completed line will line up the pattern.

There are probably more uses for this foot.  I’ll have to check the Janome web site to find other things to do with it.

I have several other presser feet that are still in their packages and others that came with the machine that I have never used.  I should take the time to find out what each foot can do.  Sewing would be so easy when using the right presser foot for a job.

Have a great day and happy quilting.



Random Thoughts

I have been saving copies of quilt patterns that I think I might make some day, but probably won’t.  Some quilts I see on the Internet, Pinterest or magazines.  I could never make all the quilts that I would like to make.  While cleaning out the files, I had an idea.  When I find a quilt that I like, I could make one block from that quilt.  If I used one fabric in each block along with colors from that fabric, I could have a sampler quilt.  The blocks wouldn’t have to be the same size.  The Moda Blockhead project is done and I have made all the Splendid Sampler blocks that I intend to make.  I wouldn’t have a deadline to make a block before another  arrived by e-mail.  The scrap fabric drawers are overflowing.  I could make this project with the fabric that I don’t choose when making a quilt.

IMG_2138I found a yard of colorful floral fabric that I bought at Mardens.  It has red, blue and yellow in it and is great for the focus fabric.  I could add tints and tones from those colors.  I also have a yard of beige fabric.  I have several small pieces of shirting fabrics to use for the background.  I seem to put the shirting aside when choosing fabric for a quilt.  The bottom drawer has plaid fabric.  I never put plaids in a quilt because I have to fussy cut them. Making one block at a time wouldn’t be that bad.

IMG_2137The first block was found in Quilting Cubby.  They have a lot of very interesting quilts on their website.  This block has five nine patches set on point.  The nine patches have triangles in each of the four corners.  By using a different fabric in some of the triangles, a star appears.  The four corners have just three pieces.  Now that I’ve made one block, I don’t have to make the quilt.

One of my friend asked me why I haven’t given a recipe for a long while.  Usually, I just check the refrigerator and make up something with the ingredients that are there.  The recipes aren’t very interesting.  I do like brown rice and make a batch in the rice cooker.  On the day that I make the rice, I can cook dinner in about 20 minutes.  After I start the rice in the rice cooker, I chop up vegetables. I use a combination of vegetables like cauliflower, carrots, broccoli, onions, brussel sprouts, or anything that is in the refrigerator.  I place them on a cookie sheet that is sprayed with olive oil.  Then I spray them with more olive oil and sprinkle them with onion salt.  Cook at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes.  I have a little five minute red copper chef cooker.  I have cooked chicken, crab cakes, pork chops and other meat in it.  The meat is cooked to perfection without effort.   Everything should be ready at the same time.

Did you know that you can make hard boiled eggs in a rice cooker?  I checked the Internet and it told of several different methods.  I chose one to try and really like it.  Wet a paper towel.  Squeeze a little of the water out and place it in the bottom of the rice  cooker.  Add eggs.  I used three.  Plug in the cooker and cook for 15 minutes.  Then turn the rice cooker to warm for 7 minutes.  After the 7 minutes, immediately place the eggs in an ice water bath for 3 to 4 minutes.  Don’t omit this step because the ice water prevents the green ring around the yoke. Roll the eggs on a flat surface and remove the shell.  It will come off very easily.  The eggs are perfect.  It will be fun to see what other meals can be cooked in the rice cooker.


Little quilts

Years ago, my husband bought several bags of kindling.  One of the bags contained small pieces of framing with the ends cut at 45 degrees.  That bag was a treasure.  The wood was not used to start a fire in the stove.  He made lots of little frames for me and I made 6″ quilts to put into the frames.  The local quilt shop was using  colorful paper bags at the time, so when I made a purchase, I had beautiful paper to back the frames.

All the little quilts were hand quilted.  We gave many away to friends and even sold a few.  I have seven little framed quilts left. Six of them fit on a small piece of wall between a closet door and a corner.  The seventh is on a window sill.

IMG_2134   IMG_2133   IMG_2132

When I was reorganizing all my sewing stuff in the attic, I came across the bag of the wooden pieces.  I’ll have to figure out how to staple the pieces together and make some more.  The quilts were fun to make and made great gifts.  I still have some pretty paper bags left and can use that.  It doesn’t take much time to make and hand quilt a 6″ quilt.  I could use scraps and make the quilts so that they would be ready to frame when I make the frames.

This is just another project for the future when I finish other ufo projects.  I’ve been working in the yard and have  not sewed or quilted for a few days.  The weather is beautiful.  Not too warm and not too cold.  When it rains, I’ll sew again.  I’ll show some more of the little quilts on another day when I have no new quilting or sewing to show.

Have a great day and happy quilting.


IMG_2124Eight years ago, I bought some sunflower fabric.  I originally intended to finish the sunflower blocks of the month that I won at a Guild meeting.  The fabric had stripes so I changed my mind and cut out some 60 degree triangle pieces.  Then the fabric was put away.  When I found the box of ufos in the attic, the partially finished pieces were there.

Out of this pile of fabric, I made:

IMG_2126three table toppers

IMG_2128three place mats

IMG_2130one table runner

IMG_2127two table mats with a fabric addition because the prints were different.

IMG_2129The sunflowers will be cheery in August and later on in the fall.  Then I can flip them over as the background is a Christmas print.  I was at a local Guild show in Maine and there was a table of fabric for sale.  I bought yardage that would make a great table cloth and this was the coordinating fabric.

When I finished, I had one small piece of the sunflower fabric left.  It is in the mile a minute bin.  I had to piece the last backing, but there is a small amount left over.  I will cut it into 2 1/2″ squares and should have enough for a small quilt.  These fabrics have been in my stash long enough to count as free fabric. Therefore, this group of table linens was free.

Have a great day and happy quilting.





IMG_2118The pattern for block # 52 arrived today.  It was a quick and easy 6″ block and was quickly made and added to it’s place in the quilt.

Originally, I was going to leave the quilt in four quarters and quilt it myself, but decided to send it to the long arm quilter.  I sewed the four quarters together and then pieced a backing with more of the Japanese fabric.  I’m glad to have made that decision.  I need to get on to other projects.  This one has gone on for a year.  It is time for something new.

The backingIMG_2117




The quilt is very busy, but I really enjoyed  making all the different blocks.  Miss Molly has inspected the quilt and has given her approval. I took pictures of the left and right sides of the quilt.

IMG_2120     IMG_2122

The quilt show is in two weeks and I have to finish a few things before then.  Labels have to  be made and sleeves applied to two quilts.  After than, I can sit back and decide  which quilt to make next.  I have several quilts planned in my head.  Of course, there are always the UFOs to be finished.

Have a great day and happy quilting.

Almost finished

IMG_2115 2The quilt show is coming up soon.  I still have one quilt to finish.  The Five Yard International challenge quilt took much longer to quilt than I had planned.  It is finally quilted.  The binding is sewn on and partially tacked down.  There are more than a few ends to knot and bury into the quilt.  I’ll work on it tonight while watching TV.  I will meet the deadline.

I have a few labels to make and two sleeves to sew on.  All the pictures are in a file in the computer and waiting to be printed.  The quilts are waiting in some very sturdy tote bags that I bought at Ocean State Job Lots.  Everything will be finished in time.

Have a great day and happy quilting.


Next week, I should receive the instructions for the last Moda block.  Then I can put them all together and have a quilt.  The quilt is busy, colorful and not one that I would intentionally make.

IMG_2113Block # 50 is a 12″ block  It’s called Vintage and is designed by Sherri McConnell of a Quilting Life.

Quarter square triangles are easy to make with the Tucker Trimmer.  Making 16 took a while, mainly because even though I organized the blocks in the proper orientation, I twisted them when I sewed.  It led to a little un-sewing and re-sewing.

IMG_2112Block # 51 is a 6″ x 12″ block.  It is called Power Star and is designed by Lisa Bongean of Primitive Gatherings. This one took a really long time to make.  It had ninety six 1 1/4″ squares and a total of 141 very small pieces.  The little squares made twelve 2″ x 1 1/4″ flying geese and eighteen 2″ x 2″ square in a square units.  That’s a lot of little pieces for such a small block.

Before I receive the instructions for the last block  I can complete two more quarters of the quilt.  One quarter is already completed. I can also have the last quarter ready to insert block # 52.  I plan to piece large pieces of the Japanese fabric for the backing and can have that done.  The quilt will be ready to quilt in a few days.

Have a great day and happy quilting.


The weather was beautiful this noontime.  I decided to rake some of the lawn.  If I rake a little each good day, it will eventually be done.  Then I can take care of the flower gardens.  I filled two big yard bags full of pine needles and leaves before I went into the house for lunch. The part of the yard that I raked looked very nice.  Then the wind came up.  The gusts were strong and the trees were swaying in the wind.  As I look at the back yard now, the part that I raked is covered with leaves and branches are down all over the place.  Tomorrow is another day.  I’ll try again.

I’m still machine quilting a large wall hanging.  Also putting Dear Jane blocks together.  There is progress, but nothing is finished at this point.

I found two very nice small pieces in the UFO bin that I found in the attic.


The table topper is the Hunter Star pattern.  It is the piece that I made when checking out Deb Tucker’s Hunter Star ruler.  I like to make a small piece when trying out a new ruler so that I can figure out how to use it. I made four different size blocks and added different widths of the purple fabric.  This won’t take too long to quilt when I finish the piece that I’m working on now.



I don’t know where this table runner came from.  I didn’t make it.  It needs a border before it is quilted.  After I took a picture I noticed that there are red spools in the center.  Maybe a red border will bring attention to the spools.



I’m checking some of my notebooks and downsizing.  That means throwing away anything that I probably won’t use.  One of the books that I looked at started with notes from Janome classes at the dealer.  Later in the book are notes from lessons that I took from classes at the Vermont Quilt Festival.  There is a wealth of information in this notebook.  I had forgotten half of what I had learned.  This book is a keeper and will be on my side table so that I can read it all the way through. It really is hard to throw some things away.   Other things are real easy to get rid of.

Have a great day and happy quilting.