Happy New Year

Happy New Year.  It doesn’t seem possible that this is the last post of 2018.  There will be lots of new quilts in 2019.  I have listed all the quilts that I’m currently working on and will finish them in order.  Of course, I will make new quilts.  I have lots of ideas in my head.

IMG_1891The Temperature Quilt top is finished.  It has been fun watching the weather all year.  It is one quilt that when someone asks me how long did it take to finish, I can honestly say one year (365 days).  That’s not the quilting, just the piecing.  I’m not sure if I will quilt it myself or send it to a long arm quilter.  It turned out to be a big quilt.


In 2018, the temperature did not go below 0 or above 100.  I didn’t use any of the fabric in those baggies.  It is also interesting how the colors on the left side move to the colors on the right side.  It makes for an even quilt. IMG_1892




There is enough batique fabric left to make another quilt.  I bought a pattern at Keepsake years ago.  It is perfect for the leftover fabric.

Have a great day and happy quilting.





It’s almost the end of 2018 and I did not reach my goal of finishing one UFO each week.  It doesn’t really matter as I have finished some and the basket is isn’t as full as it was at the beginning of the year.

I did start and complete several quilts.  Some are still at the long arm quilter.  Some, I quilted myself on my domestic machine.

I have lots of plans for 2019 but there will not be as many long term quilts as this year.  I still have seven Moda blocks to make.  There will be a few more next year. After I finish the Moda blocks, the Dear Jane quilt will be the only long term quilt project to work on.  There are a few bonus blocks to make for the Splendid Sampler project.   Then, that project will be finished. The Temperature Quilt top will be finished this week.   I have found two patterns that can be made out of the Japanese fabric.

When I have a few minutes and just want to sew, I work on a Mile a Minute block. There is no thinking in making a Mile a Minute block. I keep a bin of cut off fabric near the sewing machine to use when the mood strikes.  Soon, I will have enough to make a “free” quilt top.  I also have a basket of squares that work up into nine patches for Linus quilts.

IMG_1887This week, I finished three UFOs.  The first one was made years ago.  It is hand quilted.  This month, I started keeping hand quilting and applique near my chair. It’s handy to pick up and work on it while watching TV.  This is a fun pattern.  Squares are cut and sewn together.  Then, using a plastic template with cross marks, the squares are recut and sewn.  It is made with all straight seams, although it doesn’t looks that way.  There are small pieces left after the second cut.  If the pieces are kept in the same sequence, a smaller version of the quilt can be made.

IMG_1886The blue and green table runner is machine quilted.  I practiced quilting it with circle rulers of different sizes.  It has been in the basket for a while because I didn’t like the quilting.  Today, I stipple quilted the blue pineapples and finished it.  It is much better now.


IMG_1889The star piece is small.  It is hand quilted.  I like the colors. Somehow, setting the blocks on point make the quilt look better than a straight setting.  I can see a large quilt made with the small stars.  Maybe, some day I will make a lot of stars and make a bed quilt.  It would be a stash buster.  Some of the Mile a Minute fabric is large enough to make small stars.  I may start putting the larger pieces aside for that project.

I have finished three small tops and they are waiting to be packaged and quilted.  They shouldn’t take too long.  It would be nice to finish three more this year.

Have a great day and happy quilting.

Merry Christmas

196327_1040844072942_2836_nIn 2009, I made wall hangings for each of my daughters, my daughters in law and one granddaughter.  They all came for Christmas that year except for one daughter who lived in Virginia at that time.

The daughter in Virginia was sent a wall hanging, but her original wall hanging had a mishap.  I was quilting the last block when I noticed that the block was pieced sideways.  I put the wall hanging aside and made another one for her.

IMG_0371Several years later, another daughter mentioned that her favorite silly Christmas song was “I want a hippopotamus for Christmas”.  I just happened to have a hippopotamus pattern. I retrieved the  put away quilt from the attic and used it to make the hippopotamus.  My daughter got what she wanted for Christmas that year.

Have a great day and happy quilting.

Merry Christmas


It’s almost Christmas.  My Christmas wall hangings are on the walls.

One of my favorite wall hangings is one that was three boring green and white trees.  After it was pieced, The designer told me that the pieces were twisted in the instructions.  It was not a pretty wall hanging.  I was not going to take the pieces apart and redo the piece. There had to be a way to fix it.

I decided to decorate the trees.  Using the built in embroideries, I added garland with gold thread.  Then I added “balls” with a close zig zag stitch.  Still not satisfied, I added “tinsel” with silver thread.  Now, it was getting better.

At the time, I was making folded fabric ornaments.  I gave instructions for one of them in the last blog.  I added several ornaments and it was finally done.








IMG_1863 IMG_1862 IMG_1861   IMG_1860

No matter how bad a piece is, it can be changed to something that is much better.

Have a great day and happy quilting.





Folded fabric Christmas ornament

Folded fabric ornaments can be constructed by hand sewing, machine sewing, glue stick or wonder under.  When machine sewing, sewing can be done by chain piecing so several ornaments can be made at the same time.

Variable Star ornament

Cutting – any colors can be substituted for the listed colors

3 1/2″ x 3 1/2″ square 1 muslin for foundation                                                                                 3 1/2″ x 3 1/2″ square 1 red for center                                                                                                2 3/4″ x 2 3/4″  squares 4 white for row 1                                                                                           2″ x 3 1/2″ strips 4 for row 2                                                                                                                 2″ x 2″ squares 4 for row 3                                                                                                                   3″ x 3″ squares 4 for row 4                                                                                                                    3 1/2″ x 3 1/2″ square for backing                                                                                                        20″ of 1 3/4″ wide fabric for binding.


Secure 3 1/2″ red square to foundation.                                                                                             IMG_1851Fold 2 3/4″ white squares for row one in half diagonal.  Press.  Position one in each corner of red fabric, having fold toward  center and raw edges along outside edges.



Fold green strips in half lengthwise.  Press.  Position one on each side, having fold toward center and raw edges along outside.  Secure. IMG_1853   IMG_1854




Fold 2″ white squares for row 3 in quarters.  Press.  Position one in each corner, having folded edges on inside and raw edges on outside.Secure.IMG_1855




IMG_1856Fold 3″ white squares for row 4 in quarters.  Press.    Align point of square with center diamond.  Secure.  Trim away excess.



Add backing.  Sew binding to front with a 1/8″ seam and hand tack on back. A loop can be added for hanging.

Enjoy your new ornament.

Have a great day and happy quilting.



Squirrel quilt continued

I have finished piecing all 50 of Kimberly Einmo’s 6″ blocks.  One is not quite right and I will have to make it again. The 1 1/2″ x 2 1/2″ flying geese were not accurate.  It’s easier to make the whole block than to take the defective one apart. I can use it another way that won’t show the defect.  Tomorrow or Wednesday I will decide how I want to sash the blocks.   I probably will make a first frame in black and then do something else for a second sashing.  I bought a pattern years ago at Keepsake Quilters.  The quilt on display was so beautiful.  I may use the setting in that pattern.  The quilt at Keepsake was made with batiques.  When I finish the Temperature quilt, I will have lots of batiques left over. I’ll keep them together with the pattern.  Then, when I decide to make it, I will have everything together.

IMG_1848 a      IMG_1847     IMG_1846

I made a file today and listed all the unfinished projects that I have been working on for the last few months.  I included all the new challenge quilts, challenge blocks, long term quilts  and demo pieces that I have agreed to do. I also included the 25 year old UFO.   I read today that there are no UFOs.  They should be called QIPs.  (Quilts in progress).  That way, you are never stress about unfinished quilts hanging around.  It’s unbelievable how many items were listed.   I can remember when I first started quilting, I made one quilt and finished it before I moved on to the next.  I had no stash and no gadgets.  Rotary cutters and rulers weren’t invented.  I drew lines around cardboard templates and sewed by hand.  What a difference from today.

Now that everything is listed, I can include the dates they need to be complete. I can work on the ones that have to be finished first and remove them from the list.

This morning, I was looking for a piece of fabric to use in a block that is due in January.  While looking, I straightened out five drawers of fabric.  There are so many quilts waiting to be made in those drawers, but no more squirrel quilts until my list is at least 3/4 empty.  I’m not even going to think about the leftover quarter square triangles, half square triangles and squares, all cut to 2 1/2″ square, that are leftover from the Squirrel Quilt.  Also the trimmings that are in a baggie for a Gaa-Barge quilt.

Have a great day and happy quilting.


Flower wall hanging


The flowers are growing on the wall hanging.  The appliqué on  right half of the middle of the wall hanging is almost finished.  There are a few more leaves to place.  I may decide to add a few more flowers after the left side is finished.  Then there are the border appliques to do.  This wall hanging is going to take me much longer than I thought it would. I only work on it in the evening while watching T.V.

IMG_1830Wouldn’t it be nice if the flowers actually bloomed in the garden at the same time.  That’s the advantage of growing flowers on fabric.





My roses in Maine didn’t bloom this summer, but the N. H. roses were beautiful.




The poppies always amaze me. The purple centers are so beautiful with the orange flowers.



IMG_1832The day lilies come in so many colors.  Many of my lilies have reverted back to orange.  The ones that didn’t revert are beautiful.  I take pictures of the same flowers every year.  I should separate the bulbs next summer.



In the meantime, I can enjoy my fabric flowers and all the pictures.

Have a great day and happy quilting.







Squirrel Quilt

IMG_1825I’ve started another squirrel quilt.  It is one that is not planned, but just has to be made.  It has to get out of my mind.  All other quilts are put aside until the squirrel quilt is made.  When I bought Kimberley Einmo’s book, I decided that I would make all of the blocks.  The 10″ blocks have been made and are in a quilt that is waiting to be quilted.  That quilt was made last summer.  It is the next one to quilt.


I’ve been thinking about making the 6″ blocks for a while.  I’ve also noticed that the solid fabric that had outgrown it’s drawer.  The drawer was hard to shut.  I don’t know how I have so many solid fabrics.  I don’t usually sew with them.  Maybe, that’s why the drawer is so full.

Both thoughts are combined in this squirrel quilt.  In the past few days, I have made over half of the blocks.  There are 50 block in this size in the book.  I haven’t decided how I will put them together, but will probably use black sashing. IMG_1826   IMG_1828   IMG_1829   IMG_1827

When I make a squirrel quilt, I do quilt it right away.  It doesn’t go into the pile to be quilted later.  They usually end up being a gift or a charity quilt.

Sewing space in the sewing room –

IMG_1823I have space for two quilters in the sewing room.  The second machine belongs to one of my daughters.  She pieces quilts when she stays with me.  On occasion, we sew together. It is so much fun to quilt together.  My machine overlooks the window.  I can watch the world go by as I sew.  The new house across the street is almost done.  Someday, I will watch my new neighbors move in. IMG_1824

The third machine is a treadle machine.  I do have a belt and plan to install it some day and sew on the machine.




Have a great day and happy quilting.

Dear Jane

Dear Jane has outgrown her bin.  I’ve gathered all her papers, books, patterns, and other needed supplies into a small suitcase.  Now that she is contained, I can work on her in spare moments.  Patterns for forty more blocks have been printed.  I’ve been searching my stash to find fabric that is similar in style to the Fabric that Jane Stickle used.

IMG_1820Last weekend, I finished most of row D.  I had intended to make the blocks from the center out, but changed my mind and worked on a row. Row D will go across the top of the center blocks.  All the finished blocks have been hand quilted and bound. The quilting is minimal.  Just enough to hold the block together.  After all, it is only 4 1/2″ square.  It doesn’t need much quilting.  There is only 20″ of binding to tack down.

I’m so glad that I bought the Dear Jane EQ CD.  The CD has tips on how to piece the blocks.  Most of the time, I follow the instructions, but there are times when it’s easier to paper piece the block or make half square triangles with a Tucker Trimer. The appliques are small with gentle curves.  It’s good practice for when I get back to the flower garden wall hanging.  The CD is easy to use.  It has similar files to other EQ programs.  The instruction book is very helpful.

IMG_1821I still remember saying that I would never make a Dear Jane quilt.  There were too many small blocks.  It was a copy of another person’s quilt.  How very boring.  Now I find that it is a lot of fun making each block and seeing the pile of little blocks add up.  I’m glad that I went to the Dear Jane club just to see what was going on.

There are 169 center blocks ( 13 X 13) and 112 border triangles in the Dear Jane quilt.  Jane Stickle had embroidered “5602 pieces” on a corner of the quilt.  I have finished 30 blocks.  There is a long way to go.

Have a great day and happy quilting.








Christmas wall hanging

christmasThe Christmas wall hanging is finished and is on the wall.  There was a slight delay because I misplaced the fabric that I had intended to use for the binding.  It was the same fabric as the background.  I went to the quilt shop and bought a piece that I thought would match, but when I got home, it was nothing like the background fabric.  So much for thinking I knew what I wanted and didn’t bother to bring the wall hanging to the quilt shop to check.

My daughter was having breakfast with me one morning this week.  She brought a length of green binding out of the sewing room and Put it on the edge of the wall hanging.  She said that I should use green binding with a small red piping. I like to put piping on quilts, but I thought that a flange binding would fit. It has all machine sewing and no hand tacking on the back.  She knew that it was the wrong color green but it got ideas flowing.  That binding is waiting for me to quilt the next quilt on the list.

I found a baggie of green fabric that I was gathering for a green and white quilt.  In the baggie were pieces of the green vine fabric that I used in the center of the wall hanging.  It was cut offs from the backing of a quilt that I had sent to a long arm quilter.  One problem solved.  I couldn’t find any of the red print from the center, but I did find a solid red that matched the background of the print.

christmas 2There was enough of both fabrics to make the flange binding.  The binding portion of flange binding is cut 1 1/2″, not the 2 1/4″ or 2 1/2″ as you would for regular binding.  The flange portion is cut 1 3/4″.  After the two pieces are sewn together, it is sewn to the back of the quilt and then rolled to the front and sewn down in the seam where the two pieces meet.  This is a great way to make a binding if the fabric is a little short for regular binding.

Now that the Christmas wall hanging is up, I can think about decorating the rest of the house.

I still haven’t found the lost fabric, but when I do, I’ll have the background fabric for another small quilt.  I’ll be sure to make binding and attach it to the quilt before it goes in the UFO pile.

Have a great day and happy quilting.