Many of the new followers don’t know who Miss Molly is and what important job she has in my quilting life. Miss Molly celebrated her 10th birthday last January. She is very smart and is well trained, but she has her own ideas on how things should go. She is always asking me “Why do you want me to do that?” and goes about her jolly way and does what she wants. The old adage about teaching old dogs new tricks is not true with her as she learned how to “high five” in the past two months.

Miss Molly has passed Level 1, level 2 and level 3 with flying colors. She had had sniff and search lessons, agility lessons, and dance lessons. Dancing for dogs is obedience to hand signals and music. We had a dance routine, but she kept inserting her favorite trick, just because she wanted to.

Miss Molly’s very important job is quality control inspector.

Miss Molly when she first came to live with us.

Miss Molly has finished her meal and is waiting in the bowl for Max to leave his bowl so she can have the leftovers.

Miss Molly loved to dig. Fortunately, this was her only hole so we let her have fun.

Max and Molly playing. Max was much older than Molly and she missed him when he was no longer with us.

Miss Molly, just before her first professional grooming.

She was no longer a puppy when she came back. She was a beautiful adult dog. Of course that was in looks, not actions.

Miss Molly’s graduation picture. She did not like wearing the hat. Doesn’t like sweaters when it’s cold. Never could keep boots on. I even tried a tutu when she danced, but she hated it. No scarfs for her. but if I take her collar off, she is very upset.

My daughter and I were sorting large bags of factory cotton fabric cut offs. Miss Molly climbed on top of the pile to see if the fabric was o.k. to use in a quilt.

Miss Molly inspecting the Canadian 150 quilt.

Miss Molly has a co worker. Rufus, also, is a quality control inspector. Here they are discussing their hard days work.

Rufus and Miss Molly at work.

Miss Molly does not like thunder storms or loud noises. Usually she goes under the bed, but this time she sat in a corner, facing the wall. If she doesn’t see the lightening, maybe it will go away.

It would be nice if all quilters had a unjudgmental quality control inspector like Miss Molly.

Have a great day and happy quilting.

Random Thought

I’m still in N. H. The Governor said yesterday that he was coordinating with Maine and Mass, and the stay at home order might be lifted June 15th. We’ll see. In the meantime, I’m enjoying working in my gardens, doing Spring cleaning, and some sewing and quilting. Friends keep in touch by phone, e-mail and chatting from the correct social distancing. One of my daughters made three masks for me. They are awesome. Thanks so much. I had made two, but they are not as nice as my new ones. My daughter made them with fabric showing three of my favorite things. Quilting, gardens and Miss Molly.

The flowers are beautiful this year. Usually, I’m in Maine and only see pictures of the Iris and Lupines.

Craftsy was sold a few year ago to NBC Universal. The new name is Blueprint. While it was still Craftsy, I bought several of the classes and also downloaded several free classes. The e-mail from Blueprint stated that they were closing the program. Two of the sentences gave me hope. It said “Please note that we will provide a way for those of you have purchased classes to receive a copy of the classes you purchased, For example, we’re working on a solution to give you an extended period to download your purchased classes.” I just have to be patient and wait for the next e-mail.

One of the classes that I purchased was a Lola Jenkins class. In the class, we were supposed to make a face called the Lady with the Pearl Earing. At that time, the Guild had a challenge to make a small wall hanging of ourselves. I decided to use Lola’s technique and make my head. It was fun to make. I haven’t used the technique since then. Maybe, when I can download the instructions, I can make another piece. Maybe flowers or something else.

Comfort and Blessings patterns are still coming every Monday morning in my e-mail. It doesn’t seem possible that I’ve finished piecing #24. I have changed some of the fabrics as they were not the right color. I want this quilt to be on the quiet side.

I’ve been appliquéing the flower wall hanging while watching TV in the evenings. I am on the bottom border. I had designed the bottom border and had the flowers all ready to applique, but as I applique the flowers onto the border, I’m changing their position and adding green leaves in places. When I finish the left side of the bottom border, I’ll use the light box to position the same flowers on the right side. When all the flowers are on the wall hanging, I’ll take pictures.

Have a great day and happy quilting.